My 3 Favorite Money Podcasts

My 3 Favorite Money Podcasts

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I discovered the awesome-ness that is podcasts a little over a year ago. Since then, I’ve become a podcast junkie. It started off as something to listen to when I walked in the mornings or went to the gym, now I listen in the truck, in my office, while I’m cleaning the house, all. the. time. I listen to a variety of podcasts, but these are my top 3 money related podcasts.

Choose FI

Brad and Jonathan are the “Aspiring Minimalist” and the “Reluctant Frugalist,” respectively. They take a dive into the world of Financial Independence (FI) in their podcast, and leave no stone unturned. Their interviews of popular bloggers, along with real people on the FI journey, gives the audience a great look at different paths to take on the way to Financial Independence. This is currently on my most played list. I started at episode 1 and am working my way through!

A great feature of their website is their Essential Listening Guide that gives you episodes to listen to if you don’t have the time, energy, or motivation to listen from the beginning. They recommend you start with their Pillars of FI and the Why of FI episodes to learn more about Financial Independence.

If you are a travel fanatic, these are your boys! They have basically mastered what they call Travel Hacking, and can give you tons of tips and tricks on how to travel for next to nothing.

Bigger Pockets Money

Bigger Pockets Money
Co-hosted by Scott Trench and Mindy Jensen, this podcast provides the personal finance education you didn’t get in school. While ChooseFI focuses a lot on early retirement, the Bigger Pockets Money Show focuses on a “New American Dream.” Their episodes focus on building wealth through a variety of income streams.

I’ll admit, the only reason I started listening was because their very first episode was an interview with Mr. Money Mustache himself! Mr. Money Mustache, or Pete, is how most people admit to having found the Financial Independence movement. I’m no different.

They also have an episode with one of my favorite bloggers, Mrs. Frugalwoods, also known as Liz. She talks about how her and her husband live a luxuriously frugal life, and saved 71% of their paycheck until they reached their financial goal and moved to a homestead in rural Vermont!  

Scott also has a book, and it’s definitely on my “To Read” list! It’s called Set for Life and covers the main money topics of how to save more, make more, and how to build wealth with assets. I’ve heard a couple of people recommend it, and after listening to Scott on the podcast, I’m looking forward to reading it myself.

The Goal Digger Podcast

The Goal Digger Podcast 
Jenna Kutcher’s podcast is set up more like a workshop. It’s different from my first two on this list, as she focuses on building your brand and running a successful business. She is a master of marketing and has grown her empire from a photographer with a $300 Craigslist camera to a million dollar business. Not only does she let you in on her marketing genius secrets, she brings in other insanely successful women to tell their stories as well.

If you have any desire to be an entrepreneur, Jenna is your girl. She will motivate you to set big goals, and then provides you with resources to reach them. One of my favorite episodes is 120 Who Else is Seeking Balance, where she interviews one of her own, Danielle, about how she transitioned from a workaholic to a chill, even-keeled team member. 

What are you listening to?

Are you a podcast junkie like me? I’m always looking for something new to listen to! What are your favorites? 

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