Circle of Control

Circle of Control

Why did I choose to add finances to my topics of choice for my blog? Because I feel like finances are something in everyone’s circle of control

Control Issues

Basically everyone who knows me knows I have control issues. I’ve been told that’s probably the reason I’m uncomfortable flying. I’m sure it’s the reason I was “that kid” in school…oh you know, that kid that does most of the group project by themselves just to make sure it gets done. I know it’s the reason I still struggle with delegating tasks, even ones I know others are more than capable of handling. Often I recognize things can be accomplish multiple ways, but still want them done my way. But my control issues go beyond classroom projects and career programs, they invade all areas of my life.

baby goat
Baby goats definitely help ease my anxiety.

My need for control causes anxiety almost daily. My brain constantly goes to worst case scenario in any situation I can’t control. It’s basically impossible for me to talk myself out of my anxiety riddled state once it has set in.

My poor husband. When we first got married and were living in the camper, I came home one day and his truck was home, but he wasn’t. His phone was on the table, his 4-wheeler was in the yard, but he was nowhere to be found. I tried to convince myself he must’ve just went for a walk and he’d be back before I know it. Then I started thinking, what if he fell in an armadillo hole and hurt his leg or ankle? (Not all that hard to do in our area.) What if he jumped a coyote? (Very possible, but not likely a coyote would do anything other than run away.) What if one of the cows run him down? (Probably the most laughable of my scenarios, as the cows might run to see if he had a feed bucket, and then leave disappointed when they saw him empty handed.) So of course shortly after arriving home, I’m on the 4-wheeler flying across the pasture looking for him. And of course, he was perfectly fine and doing exactly what the logical, but often ignored, part of my brain predicted, walking the pasture.

This isn’t the only time he’s had to deal with my illogical and out of control anxiety. Let’s just say he humors me by carrying his phone way more than he actually wants to.

Circle of Control

I tell you all of that to partially explain my obsession with finances, and my choice to share my obsession with you: Finances are in my circle of control. Granted, there are some costs I can’t micromanage, but overall I can control my financial situation, and so can you. I know what income I’ll earn each month, and I can make a plan to spend less than I make.

I know there are many people that feel like their finances control them, and I hope to use this as an opportunity to share tips and tricks I’ve learned to allow them to take that control back. My first and foremost tip is to track your expenses. I’ve been utilizing Mint for several months, and it has been very user friendly.  You can’t control your money if you don’t have a clue where it’s going. Record every penny you spend for a month. I can almost guarantee you will find something that shocks you at the end of the month.

Our first month of tracking, I discovered we spent a lot more on fast food than I thought. We were also investing way more into the farm than we realized. Admittedly, these expenses were viewed as more of an investment as we are building our farm business, but we had no idea the numbers were that high. After that first month, I became more conscious about what I was spending, and was able to break down my normal expenses into a budget to determine what I could save each month.

I love this cute budget planner from Erin Condren – it’s budget friendly too!

Utilizing Your Control

Being in control of your finances gives you influence over your current situation, but even more power over your future. Even when things get out of control, you can make sure you a spending less than you earn, and save the rest. After all, that is the basis of financial independence.

While there are aspects of finances outside your circle of control, i.e. current tax rates, inflation, interest rates, the stock market, your overall financial health starts with you. You can choose what to spend your money on. You can choose how to invest your savings. You can make choices to get you out of the paycheck to paycheck cycle.

Take Action

What can you do this week to take action in your financial circle of control?

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