How Flying Pig Cattle Co got it’s name.

How Flying Pig Cattle Co. got it’s name

I had big dreams as a kid. I wanted to own a farm – I do.I wanted to rodeo professionally – I don’t.I basically wanted to rule the world – Depends on the day. One thing that was never on my…

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Copy of Arkansas Raw Milk Blog

Flying Pig Cattle’s Christmas Gift Guide

This post contains affiliate links, which means we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through these links. We only recommend products we truly love and use ourselves. Some links include a…

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Meet the herd. Walter the Miniature hereford bull

Meet the Herd: Walter

Name: Walter Species: Bovine Gender: Bull Breed: Registered Miniature Hereford Walter wants you to know he’s kind of a big deal. People know him. When I decided to swap my mini cow herd from commercial cattle to registered, Walter was my first purchase. I…

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Where did your Thanksgiving dinner come from

Where did your Thanksgiving Dinner come from?

Thanksgiving is upon us, and when we give thanks for the food on our dinner table, maybe we should include thanks for the for farmers and ranchers that raised and grew our food.

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Twins in Beef Cattle: Good, Bad, or Ugly

Twins in Beef Cattle: Good, bad, or ugly?

When it comes to calving season, twins are an unusual occurrence, but not necessarily rare. It’s estimated that anywhere between 1-2% of beef cattle pregnancies will result in a twin birth. That number tends to be slightly higher in dairy cattle….

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The Month of Continuous Vet Bills

Being an animal lover and livestock farmer, I understand that vet bills are just part of life. Part of my responsibility to my animals is to provide care for them and to insure they are living their best life. I’d also…

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Farm Record Keeping

Record keeping. Most people groan at the thought, but I love it. I love lists and notes and calendars and…well, you get it. But aside from my obsession, why is Record keeping so important on the farm? One word: Profitability. In…

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Meet the Herd: Loretta

Name: Loretta Species: Bovine Breed: Registered Milking Shorthorn I thought it only right to dedicate our first “Meet the Herd” post to Loretta, seeing as it’s her birthday! Loretta came to us just under a year ago as a sweet, 10…

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Life from the porch

I love our farm.  It truly makes my heart happy to be home, no matter if I’m in the pasture, barn or the house. But my porch…my porch is a little slice of heaven. My porch is where I spend a…

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