
Female Farmer Friday: Jaclyn Brown

Welcome back to week two of Female Farmer Friday: The Cowboy Way edition. This week I’d like to introduce Jaclyn Brown! Jaclyn is a clinical pharmacist, but has found herself immersed in the cowboy lifestyle when she married Booger Brown. Learn more about Jaclyn below!
Sara Beth

Please briefly introduce yourself.

My name is Jaclyn Brown. I am originally from Florida, but I now live in lower Alabama with my husband, Booger Brown, 6-year-old son, Matthew and our German shepherd, Emilia. Our ranching lifestyle is chronicled in the INSP original series, The Cowboy Way.

What type of farm do you have?

My husband, Booger Brown, is very diversified in the ranching industry. In addition to raising cattle, he is a cattle broker and a consultant for other ranches. Booger is also a very successful horse trainer. 
Throughout the year, we attend numerous horsemanship events, and we host horsemanship clinics around the country. In addition to our clinics, we host an annual cattle drive in order to give others an opportunity to spend the weekend immersed in this culture.

How long have you been farming? 

Booger is a fourth-generation cattle rancher, but I was not involved in the industry until we were married three years ago.

Do you have an off-farm job?

I am a clinical pharmacist in a hospital. 

Please share with us one of the biggest struggles you have with farming. 

I try to live debt free, but there is so much overhead in this industry, and sometimes you have to take risks. It is definitely something I struggle with.

What is something about your farm life that you think would surprise most people? 

I think many people who are not in this industry assume that it is a very slow way of life and not up-to-date with technology. However, I find this to be far from the way it really is! Technology plays a large role in our business and there is always something to learn.

Can you share one of your long-term goals for your farm? 

At the moment, our main goal it to purchase a piece of property, so we can set up and expand our horse training facilities. ​

If you had the chance to tell one thing to someone without any first-hand knowledge of the farming industry, what would it be? 

In order to make it in this world, you have to be dedicated. 

What do you think is the biggest misconception about agriculture? 

One of the biggest misconceptions about people in agriculture is that they don’t care about animals. In reality, there is no one who cares and provides for his or her livestock more than a rancher.

What is something you are deeply passionate about?

I am deeply passionate about my family and creating a calm, loving environment for my son. 

What is an Instagram you think everyone should check out?

I highly recommend following Booger and me on Instagram. On any given day, you can watch Booger breaking colts, gathering cattle, working cattle, conducting pregnancy checks, fixing prolapses and so much more. We post on our stories daily, and it gives an entertaining glimpse into our daily lives. Matthew makes daily appearances on my story, so everyone has a front-row seat to watch him grow up.

If people want to follow your farm journey, where can they find you?

www.boogerbrownalabama.com Facebook: Booger Brown Instagram: @booger_brown and @_jaclynbrown

More information on The Cowboy Way:
The Cowboy Way sets the stage for real-life cowboy adventures. This one-hour series follows three modern-day cowboys – Bubba, Cody, and Booger – as they build their business in south Alabama herding cattle, breaking horses and tilling fields. The Old West meets the Deep South with these buddies who live by a cowboy code that is as important to them today as it was to those who first tamed the Old West. They work hard, play hard and depend on each other. They love their families and the rugged life they’ve chosen. Their days may not be easy, but these three friends wouldn’t have it any other way. Previous seasons are available to stream on Amazon Prime Video, Roku and Tubi, and a 7th season has already been confirmed.

Comments (11)

Jan Butler
July 7, 2022

I’m a new viewer of the show. I love it. I recorded it and have watched most episodes more than once.

August 2, 2022

I was, along with my 17 year old granddaughter, loved the show & never missed a show. We were both so sad when it went off the air. Any chance of it coming back on? Even maybe a catch up special? I would be so excited if it came back on on a weekly series!! Please say that is in the realm of a possibility!!

August 14, 2022

Only 7 Seasons I hope there will be a season 8 !!
I pray that Booger builds your home soon

Scarlet Revils
September 18, 2024

You finally find a program you enjoy watching & learning then it goes off. That’s why I did y like series. I know they are friends, I think they went their own ways.
Wished I could find more updated information up to 2024.

December 24, 2024

Love the show I keep watching repeats hoping for more seasons please

Sherri Chamberlain
October 23, 2022

We watch your show every sunday . We would love to come meet your family.

Latoya Williams
January 20, 2023

I pray that you get the property that you’re looking for and someday have more kids

Deborah Boswell
April 2, 2023

I found the show by accident & must say it’s the best accident I’ve made. I’ll rewatch again in the near future. I live in Okeechobe. Thank y’all for a series that was Family oriented. May God continue to bless you all.

Cheryl Bingaman
May 9, 2023

I love to watch your show ,I like Booger and Jacklyn, and Matthew, they look like a happy family, and Bubba and kaylee,a
nd little Andie so cute, and little Carter little cowboy so cute.Missy and Cody a happy family. The cowboy way is a good family show you can watch with the whole family and not worry about what you will see or hear love the show, thank you for the good family show, Cheryl

Estella Taylor
June 5, 2024

I love the show hope it will be more seaons this show is so good.

Myrna Casciola
September 20, 2024

Love the show! Booger is the best man I know, show wise. How happy they are together. That Mathew is just the smartest thing I have seen in a 3 to 6 year old. Hat off to Jacklyn and God bless that Booger for taking him under his wing. I love the show, try to live by the Cowboy Code, need more people like that group. Thanks for the program, we need more.

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